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Handle multiple LLM models in Langchain and AWS Bedrock seamlessly

Multi LLM models integration with Langchain

Learn in this hands-on tutorial how to handle multiple LLM models through AWS Bedrock with Langchain. You will be able to choose dynamically and seamlessly the model your chain use with Langchain LCEL.


There are more and more LLM models available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.(complexity, cost, specialization). This means in an LLM application, you need to be able to seamlessly use multiple LLM models without changing your entire code every time. This is exactly what we are going to see using Langchain and AWS Bedrock.

In this blog post, you will learn:

Let’s begin then.

What is Langchain ?

There are literally hundreds of Langchain explanation so I will not explain too much here (you can check this article for more in-depth information: link)
What you need to understand is:

This is literally what Langchain allows. You can easily create production ready code with integration ready for a great variety of tools and services (from all the LLM services, to HuggingFace, to Office 365 files to Google search to weather API) and use all the latest available techniques for RAG.

What is AWS Bedrock ?

AWS Bedrock is a platform provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that simplifies the process of using and fine-tuning LLM models and related technologies like Vector Store for RAG use cases. It is a completely managed service, meaning you only need to activate the models you want and you can use it easily.

On AWS Bedrock, there are a great variety of LLM models, from Claude 3 to Mistral Large, to Llama 2 to Cohere. It is comparable to Google Vertex AI, Azure OpenAI, or even OpenAI itself. The advantage of using an LLM service from a cloud provider is that you get not only the LLMs but can also use other services (for example AWS Textract which do OCR analysis on documents).

Initialize the work environment


To be able to advance through this tutorial, you will need:

Initialize the Jupyter lab

Let’s create the Jupyter lab setup. We will use pipenv to create a virtualenv for this project. Creating a virtualenv is very important as it will make sure this project will run without harming your other ones.

Also please remember to always save your code using for example github.

Install pipenv

Let’s begin by installing pipenv which will handle virtualenvs and python packages for us ( there are a variety of other like poetry but more difficult):

pip install pipenv

Create a folder and add dependencies

Let’s create a folder that will contain the jupyter notebook:

mkdir langchain-bedrock-multi-models
cd langchain-bedrock-multi-models

And add all required dependencies. We will install jupyterlab which will allow us to launch a jupyter lab notebook, langchain and boto3 to use AWS services.

pipenv install jupyterlab langchain boto3

Pipenv will then create a virtualenv and a Pipfile.lock that will contains all specific versions of your libraries. This is very important as libraries in python often change and breaks you whole project so it is better to freeze package versions like this. When adding new packages, it is best practices to add them using pipenv that directly in the notebook (like in some other blogs) as you will have all your packages defined in your project.

Launch jupyter lab

Let’s launch the Jupyter Lab then and create a notebook. The AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environement variable set the AWS region to use for the commands.

pipenv run jupyter lab

You will have the following screen. On this screen create a new notebook by clicking on the Python 3 button.

This will create an untitled notebook. Press Ctrl + s or (Cmd + s on Mac) to save it and rename it, for example langchain-bedrock-multi-models.ipynb.

Create the configurable multi LLM Langchain chat

Here we will create, using Langchain, a configurable LLM interface that can handle multiple LLM models in AWS Bedrock.

from langchain_community.chat_models import BedrockChat
from langchain_core.runnables import ConfigurableField

Here’s what is happening in this code:

aws_region_name = "us-west-2"
credentials_profile_name = "default"
claude_3_sonnet = "anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0"
mistral_large = "mistral.mistral-large-2402-v1:0"

In this code snippet, we setup the aws profile and region you are using and also the LLM model ids we will be using.

mistral_large_bedrock_chat = BedrockChat(

_model_alternatives = {
    "mistral_large": mistral_large_bedrock_chat

claude_3_sonnet = BedrockChat(

In this code snippet, we create:

bedrock_llm = claude_3_sonnet.configurable_alternatives(
        id="model", name="Model", description="The model that will be used"

Finally we create the configurable LLM interface:

bedrock_llm.invoke("who are you ?")

bedrock_llm \
    .with_config(configurable={"model": "mistral_large"}) \
    .invoke("who are you ?")

Now we can finally use our configurable LLM interface:

Now let’s create the configurable prompt

Create the configurable Langchain prompt

Let’s create a configurable prompt, in the same manner as the LLM interface. This will allow you to seamlessly change the prompt you use.

from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplate

_MISTRAL_PROMPT = PromptTemplate.from_template(
<s>[INST] You are a conversational AI designed to answer in a friendly way to a question.
You should always answer in rhymes.


Generate the AI's response.[/INST]</s>

_CLAUDE_PROMPT = PromptTemplate.from_template(
You are a conversational AI designed to answer in a friendly way to a question.
You should always answer in jokes.




Here’s what is happening here:

CONFIGURABLE_CHAT_PROMPT = _CLAUDE_PROMPT.configurable_alternatives(
        description="The model that will be used",

Now we create the configurable prompt with:

Now let’s create the Langchain Chain to use our prompt

Create the configurable multi LLM Langchain chain

Let’s create the chain that will allow us to assemble all the components. In Langchain, a chain is essentially a sequence of steps or processes that are linked together to handle a task. In this case, we will create a chain that will link out configurable LLM interface with our configurable prompt.

from langchain.schema.output_parser import StrOutputParser

chain = CONFIGURABLE_CHAT_PROMPT | bedrock_llm | StrOutputParser()

chain.invoke(input="What is a large language model ?")

bedrock_llm \
    .with_config(configurable={"model": "mistral_large"}) \
    .invoke("What is a large language model ?")

Let’s see what is happening here:


Now you can see the magic of Langchain configurable components. With just some lines of code, you have created a nearly production-ready and configurable Langchain chain that is using AWS Bedrock. You are awesome!

But this is only the beginning, you can do so much more. For example, you can create different prompt types and have alternative depending of the use case with complex chains. You integrate easily multiple LLM from very different origins with very little code and use them as you want. This is really the power of Langchain, making all this LLM stuff simple to integrate.


I hope this tutorial helped you and taught you many things. I will update this post with more nuggets from time to time. Don’t forget to check my other post as I write a lot of cool posts on practical stuff in AI.

Cheers !

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